Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Robin's Egg

Recently, on my runs down River Forest Road, I have been visited by a full moon bellied robin. She comes to me and bathes herself twirling in water, refreshing herself, completely immersed in the joy of her motherhood. She smiles at me and beckons me to stop and watch her. She whispers to me that she might like to rest upon my lap awhile while she unfolds the story of her life. I sit and listen with my heart open wide. I thank her for the joy she brings me and I move on with my day as a ever-so-slightly changed person.

This morning I was greeted with a robin's egg at my door step. At first it made me horribly sad to think that this egg had fallen from it's mother's warm embrace only to reach its demise harshly at my feet. I asked my guides about it's meaning, they replied, "don't put all your eggs in one basket." As I further searched for it's symbolic meaning I learned that the robin is symbolic of the sun, new beginnings, joy, hope and clarity. The robin lays eggs several times a year, laying about 3-5 eggs each time but not all eggs will develop into baby robins. When the mother sees that there is an empty egg she tosses it out of her nest so that the rest can thrive. The beautiful blue and brown speckled discarded egg reminds me to take inventory of what is working in my life and what is not. A reminder that hope for a new beginning and clarity is there for me when I've discarded old thought patterns that hinder my soul growth. I can toss out the empty eggs that no longer have promise of life and keep only what is thriving in my basket.  The robin lets go of a dream that no longer serves her and allows other dreams to take form, flourish and fly. 

I dream of being that mother robin, although that blue egg was beautiful there was no life and therefore no reason to hold on to the past that serves me not.